
lulus-lulus, hore-hore.

today is June 4th. so, today is the day of announcement of the national exams result. hows your score, guys? i think yours is much betterrr than mine. i just got 34.20, which is mean only 8,55. whatta nightmare, rite? errrr, not really bad, actually.

Indonesian Language: 8,60
Math : 8.25
English : 9.60
Science : 7.75

then, what else that i can say? SCIENCE IS A BIATCHHHHHHH. huhuhuhu ill kill you later. i just want to apalogize to my science teacher which is also my homeroom. huhuhuhu super sorry pak sukana T_T

wish my score is good enough to enter to SMAN 38. however i know its impossible. but, hoping is not forbidden, right. or, 49..

by the way.....
i'm officially pengangguran, now :p

time machine