

YOW GUYSSS akhirnyaah setelah penggalauan masal selama berbulan-bulan dan penantian selama bertahun-tahun YAAAAAAAAAAA.......... (norak mode: on) gue nonton harry potter and the deathly hallows part. 2 or known as HPDH2 juga. HAAAAAAAH razzanyah bahageea cekalee. (norak mode: off)

jd td gue lg di 182, tautau nadya sms 'dal, jd mau nonton harpot gak?' 'mau nad, tp gak punya duitt gue-_-' 'yaudah gue bayarin dulu. di blok m tapi, gapapa ya' GUE SHOCK, BERASA DAPET DUREN DI ATAS AWAN GITU pdhl malemnya cm becandaan doang, eh ditanggepin serius ma dia. yudah akhirnya gue ninggalin kamila tuh disklh, pdhl msh mau ngbrl byk bgt sm dia, msh kangen sm si kakam. trs ici ngejbin gue sm nadya gttt deh. akhirnya gue sm ici nyamper nadya ke sevel pejaten dulu, br deh capcus.

bgt udh smp Plaza Blok M nya gue, nanad sm ici lgsg ngibrit ke 21nya. iyalah kita ngincer yg plg cepet biar pulangnya ga kemaleman dan takut bgt kalo keabisan. begitu ada errr, nyebutnya apaya, loket ajadeh. bgt liat loket kosong, lgsg gue serbu. tp sblmnya ada sesuatu yg bikin gue deg-degan parah.........

(S: Mas-mas pembuat degdegan, I: Ici, G: Gue, N: Nadya, M: Mbak2 21 nya)

S: mbak, harry potter ada gak?
M: ada mas, yang mana?
S: yang 3d msh ada?
M: ada. tp adanya jam 18.45
*duerrrr gue lgsg melongo, shock, tegang, pengen gigit si mbak2nya, sama kebelet pipis*
S: yaudah lah mbak, gapapa. buat 5 orang ya

dilain sisi:
(si mbak-mbak 21 msh ngelayanin mas-mas yg beli tiket buat 5 org)
G: mampus lah kita....*ke ici&nadya*
N: nah jdnya gmn nih? cobalah tanya dulu
I: iyaa tanya aja dulu. bntr deh gue tanya
G: yodah tanya sana.

akhirnya kita pun nanya ke Mbak2 loket 21:
M: ya silahkan dek
I: mbak, harry potter masih ada?
M: masih dek, masih ada studio 1, 2, 4
G: yang paling cepet yang mana mbak? yg plg deket sm skrg, tp kosong? *lgsg nyamber*
M: *ngetik & ngotak-ngatik komputernya* masih ada. studio 1 pukul 15.15
M: oke, Harry Potter pukul 15.15 untuk 3 orang ya. 75rb *ngeprint karcis, ngasih ke gue*
G,I,N: makasih ya mbak

saat itu gue langsung mau:
  • sujud syukur,
  • tahajudan tiap malem
  • duha tiap hari
  • puasa senen-kamis
  • gelar bukber satu planet
  • zakatin smua duit jajan
HA HA HA lebay parah yaaaaaaa, tp yaa gmn sih perasaan lo kl lo jd kyk gue gt. pst juga bakal ngelakuin hal gt kan :D setelah megang tiket gue lgsg bahagia bgt. gue loncat-loncat udh kea bola bekel. sampe diliatin anak sma segerombolan, cih sirik aja tuh. kl kata ici gue serasa abis dpt duit 1 milyar, pdhl gue abis dpt duit 1milyar pun gabakal se seneng itu *eh...

now, lemme tell you bout the film.
gue gabakal nyeritain full lah. 'cause the film really unexplainable. it has such a very very very magical emotion.

i crieddddd alot when voldemort killed snape. when harry saw snape's memories about lily. when snape hugged lily!!!! when it showed fred, tonks, lupin, etc's dead-body. when george ask fred 'are you alright, freddie?'. when harry kissed the snitch, the resurrection stone out, and then lily, lupin, james, and sirius appeared. when harry asked sirius, how does dying feel. when harry said to lupin, he ask an apologize, because lupin cant see her son anymore.

i laughed unstoppable when neville said that he loves luna. when mcgonagall uses piertortum locomotor, and said to molly that she always wanted to use that spell. when the voldemort's snatcher want to chase neville up but it doesnt success, bcause the bridge broken then they fell down. when the bogrod cursed by harry. when ron and hermione kissed, after they destroy the horcrux. when draco hugged by voldy. LOL

i feel so strained up yet excited much when they-harry, ron, hermione, griphook-were at lestrange's vault. when they rid the dragon after taking the horcrux on gringotts. when voldemort and his death eaters came to hogwarts. when the children screaming because she heard voldy's voice. when crabbe burn the room of requirement with the fiendfyre. when harry talked to Helena, the Grey Lady, ghost of Ravenclaw. when aaaaah........ all the scenes are really strained up. thats true. believe me

i give my applause when neville killed nagini. when molly shouted'not my daughter, you btch' to bellatrix, you must know its soooo WOOOOO-HOOOOOOO. when harry carried draco with him on the broom in room of requirement. and last but not least, when the movie ended, i really feel wanna do standing applause.

see, i just cant believe. my lover..... it going to end.

my most applause for david yates and crews. for daniel and others. and of course for my self, because i stay with them until the very end B-)

ps: sorry for grammar fail :p

time machine