
gonna miss you all! hope we'll together again :'D

well, actually, when first time i went to this class. when i know this class will be my class for about one year. i feel like....oh, why did I get into this class? as i know 'G' is the latest class, and i think last is worst. that time, i hope i can move to another class. better class. and when i saw the boys and girls who'll be my classmates, oh my...eeww. they're more 'oh my god!' than my seventh grade classmates. seriously, i cant imagine. how can i stand with them? i just know half of them. but god have another plan. finally, i can be a good friends with them. our friendship like water flowing. sad, happy, cheating, playing, sing, study, being crazy. we've been through it together. laugh, cry, scream toghether too. sometime, we fighting one with another one. but after that, we laugh it up. jangan pada sombong ya kalo nanti udah kelas 9. jangan ada ribut2 ya. harus tetep kayak dulu, semuanya bareng2. walaupun kata bu umi kita ga kompak, menurut gue kita kompak kok. banget. selamanya. :)

time machine